
Cerebral palsy


Udvartana is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy that involves a dry powder massage using specially prepared herbal powders. The term "Udvartana" is derived from the Sanskrit words "Ud" meaning upward and "Vartana" meaning movement or friction. This treatment is primarily used for detoxification, skin rejuvenation, and weight management.


Panchakarma is a five fold purification therapy, designed to assist the body in internal cleansing process by eliminating the toxins, wastes & other excesses to bring the supportive forces of life,


Shirodhara comes from the two Sanskrit words “shiro” (head) and “dhara” (flow). It’s an Ayurvedic healing technique that involves having someone pour liquid — usually oil, milk, buttermilk, or water — onto your forehead. It’s often combined with a body, scalp, or head massage.

Kati Basti

Kati Basti is an Ayurvedic treatment that focuses on the lower back area, specifically the lumbar region. The term "Kati" refers to the lower back, and "Basti" means container or retaining. This treatment involves creating a reservoir-like structure on the lower back using a dough ring or a specialized dam made of herbal paste. Warm medicated oil or herbal decoction is then poured into the reservoir and allowed to remain in place for a specific duration.

Hridaya Basti

Hridaya Basti (urovasti ) is a specialized therapy which is performed for the diseases related to chest region.

Janu Basti

Janu basti is one of the upakarma (sub-type) of Panchakarma. The word janu refers to knees and Basti stands for container or retaining something inside mainly the medicated oil. This procedure is done in order to strengthen the knee architecture i.e muscles, joints and improvise the functions of knee joint thereby preventing it from further degenerative changes.

Uro Basti

Uro Basti Treatment is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy specifically designed to address various urological disorders and promote the overall health and well-being of the urinary system. It involves the application of medicated oil or decoction over the lower abdomen, particularly targeting the bladder and the pelvic region.


Raktamokshana Treatment is an ancient Ayurvedic therapy focused on the purification and removal of impure blood from the body. "Rakta" refers to blood, and "mokshana" means liberation or elimination. This treatment is performed to restore the balance of doshas (energetic forces) in the body and promote overall health and well-being.

Greeva Vasti

Greeva Vasti Treatment is a specialized Ayurvedic therapy that focuses on the neck and upper back region. The term "Greeva" refers to the neck, and "Vasti" means retaining or holding. This treatment involves the application of warm medicated oil or herbal decoction in a well-like structure formed on the neck using dough.

Patra Pinda Sweda

Patra Pinda Sweda is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy that involves a therapeutic massage using warm bundles of medicinal leaves and herbs. The term "Patra" refers to leaves, "Pinda" means bolus, and "Sweda" indicates sudation or sweating. This treatment aims to promote relaxation, relieve pain, and detoxify the body.


Shirobasti is a therapeutic Ayurvedic treatment that focuses on the head and scalp. The term "Shiro" refers to the head, and "basti" means container or retaining. This treatment involves creating a reservoir-like structure on the head using a specialized cap and filling it with warm medicated oil or herbal decoction.

Nasya Chikitsa

Nasya is a therapeutic Ayurvedic treatment that involves the administration of medicinal oils or herbal preparations through the nasal passages. The term "Nasya" is derived from the Sanskrit word "Nasa," which means nose. This treatment aims to promote the health of the head, neck, and respiratory system.

Shastishali Pind Sweda

Shastishali Pind Sweda is a specialized Ayurvedic treatment that involves the application of heated rice boluses infused with herbal decoctions or oils. The term "Shastishali" refers to sixty and "Pind" means bolus. This treatment is particularly beneficial for relieving pain, inflammation, and stiffness in the joints and muscles.

Karna Purana

Karna Purana is an Ayurvedic treatment that involves the application of medicated oils or herbal preparations to the ears. The term "Karna" refers to the ears, and "Purana" means filling or nourishing. This treatment is known for its therapeutic benefits in promoting ear health, improving hearing, and alleviating certain ear-related conditions.

Akshi Tarpana

Akshi Tarpana is a specialized Ayurvedic treatment that focuses on the eyes. The term "Akshi" refers to the eyes, and "Tarpana" means nourishment or rejuvenation. This treatment involves the application of medicated ghee or herbal preparations around the eyes to promote eye health, relieve eye strain, and improve vision.

Shiro Abhyanga

Shiro Abhyanga is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves the application of warm herbal oils or medicated oils to the head, scalp, neck, and shoulders. The term "Shiro" refers to the head, and "Abhyanga" means oil massage. This treatment is known for its ability to promote relaxation, relieve stress, and nourish the scalp and hair.

Marma Therapy

Marma Therapy is an ancient healing practice rooted in Ayurveda that focuses on the stimulation and balancing of vital energy points known as "marma points" throughout the body. The term "marma" refers to sensitive or vulnerable points where muscles, tendons, bones, joints, and veins intersect. These points are believed to be energetic centers that regulate the flow of prana (life force) and influence overall health and well-being.

Pizhichil Therapy

Pizhichil Therapy, also known as "Sarvangadhara," is a luxurious Ayurvedic treatment that involves the continuous pouring of warm medicated oil over the body in a rhythmic manner. The term "Pizhichil" translates to "squeezing" or "milk bath," indicating the technique used during the therapy.


To become a leader in Integrated Healthcare. Our strong knowledge base in Ayurveda, strengthened by a near century of experience and our openness to other forms of medicine will be the reason for us being positioned as the leader. We shall establish treatments based on both Ayurveda and Integrated medicine, with evidence of functionality of the same. We will be the preferred choice for treatment of Neurological, Orthopedic, Rheumatological, Gynecologic & Infertility problems and Preventive medicine.