Greeva Vasti

Greeva Vasti Treatment is a specialized Ayurvedic therapy that focuses on the neck and upper back region. The term "Greeva" refers to the neck, and "Vasti" means retaining or holding. This treatment involves the application of warm medicated oil or herbal decoction in a well-like structure formed on the neck using dough.

During Greeva Vasti Treatment, a dough ring is created on the neck, encircling the cervical region. The ring is then filled with comfortably warm herbal oil or decoction and allowed to stay in place for a specific duration. The oil or decoction used in the treatment is selected based on the individual's condition and may contain ingredients known for their therapeutic properties.

The warm oil or decoction retained in the Greeva Vasti helps to alleviate various neck-related issues such as neck pain, stiffness, muscle spasms, and restricted movement. The treatment nourishes the muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues in the neck area, improving their flexibility and reducing inflammation. It also promotes blood circulation and provides a soothing effect, aiding in relaxation and stress relief.

Greeva Vasti Treatment is commonly recommended for conditions like cervical spondylosis, cervical disc herniation, neck arthritis, muscle strains, and tension headaches arising from neck problems. It is also beneficial for individuals who spend long hours working on computers or in sedentary positions, as it helps relieve the strain on the neck muscles and reduces the risk of developing postural issues.

The duration and frequency of Greeva Vasti Treatment may vary depending on the severity of the condition and the practitioner's recommendations. Typically, a series of sessions over a prescribed period is suggested for optimal results. The treatment is performed by trained Ayurvedic therapists under the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner.

As with any Ayurvedic treatment, it is important to consult a qualified practitioner or healthcare professional before undergoing Greeva Vasti. They will evaluate your condition, consider any contraindications, and provide personalized recommendations to ensure the treatment is safe and suitable for you.

Greeva Vasti Treatment is often combined with other Ayurvedic therapies, such as massage, herbal poultice application, and lifestyle modifications, to provide comprehensive relief and support the overall well-being of the neck and upper back region.


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