
In sanskrit pancha means Five & Karma means action. Panchakarma is a five fold purification therapy, designed to assist the body in internal cleansing process by eliminating the toxins, wastes & other excesses to bring the supportive forces of life, the “tridoshas”- the three humours (vata, pitta & kapha) into balance.

Our food habits, hectic routines & unhealthy habits causes accumulation of toxins which can create imbalance of tridoshas in body. There are 2 modalities to restore the balance - shamana & shodhana. When the dosha vitiation is less it can be balanced with medicines, diet & life style this is shamana.

On the contrary, when body accumulates excessive toxins and is unable to excrete them naturally, then with the help of panchakarma, snehana & swedana methods these toxins are driven out from the body. Panchakarma has both curative & rejuvenating effect on body.

Also, shamana chikitsa done after shodhana has many folds effects as shodhana cleanses one’s system making it more suitable for the medicines to act.


To become a leader in Integrated Healthcare. Our strong knowledge base in Ayurveda, strengthened by a near century of experience and our openness to other forms of medicine will be the reason for us being positioned as the leader. We shall establish treatments based on both Ayurveda and Integrated medicine, with evidence of functionality of the same. We will be the preferred choice for treatment of Neurological, Orthopedic, Rheumatological, Gynecologic & Infertility problems and Preventive medicine.